Choosing a Club

There is no shortage of strip clubs in New York City. Visit’s online forum to read up-to-date information – from the perspective of dancers and customers – about various area clubs. Update: Unfortunately Stripperweb was closed, at the moment we are looking for trustworthy replacement.

When you’re deciding on a club – whether it’s your first job as a dancer or you’ve been dancing for years – there are lots of factors to consider.

Do you want to work day shift or night shift? Day shift might mean less money, but also less of a “party” scene, more manageable hours, and lower house fees.

I like working day shift because the clientele is generally older, married men on their lunch break. They aren’t all young drunkards just trying to have a bachelor party. – Monica

Are you allowed to have tattoos, or will the club ask you to cover them up? Just because one club asks you to lose weight, wear a wig, or cover your tattoos doesn’t mean all clubs will.

I hated working in the city, because they made me cover my tattoos with Dermablend and it was a big, creamy mess! – Brandy

Do dancers make most of their money doing lap dances, VIP rooms, or on stage? Some clubs don’t even have private rooms, which might mean less physical contact on a regular basis.

You could also try online space first if you are not comfortable to start at venues right away. Good place is Free Cam Girls website where a lot of strippers start as live cam models and later on move to luxury venues. You can work from home by using this platform.

What’s expected in the champagne room? This differs from club to club, so if you feel uncomfortable with the expectations at one club, you might be able to find a club where you feel more comfortable. Also, even if most other girls are doing certain things at a club, you may still be able to make money without doing them yourself.

How much is the house fee? House fees are generally much higher in Manhattan than in the other boroughs.

I stopped working in Manhattan because the house fees were so high—I was losing money some nights. People think you make more money in the city but I make more in Brooklyn—it’s slow but steady. Even on a bad night I know I’m not going to go home with less than I came with. – Caroline

What kind of girls work there? There are clubs that “specialize” in different types of women – fuller-figured, women of color, or inked-up dancers. Carefully consider whether you’d like to fit in or stand out at your club, and be confident in your own personal style!